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Tejomoyee Ma: Do a Reality Check on Your Identity To Overcome Problems

Tejomoyee Ma says we should do a reality check on our identity when feeling overwhelmed with problems. It's so easy to get lost in grandiose ideas like: "I have a big business" or "I have a large family", or self denigrate oneself with ideas: "I am creating many problems for others," "How will I get this done and survive the situation?"

But who are we really in this outside world? A mere speck compared to the large scale of the universe. Zoom out of your problems and you will see how tiny and insignificant your correction situation is. Behold this entire creation, the vastness of God; and the egoic idea of your current situation will naturally correct itself. Then joy will flow into you, loosening you from the problems' grip.

"Think yourself that you are Brahman, and you are one with everything. Don't make your identity big from the outside, but think you are unlimited from inside."

Biography of Tejomoyee Ma
